J&T Express

J&T EXPRESS Simpang Randu, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung - J&T Express Shop & Service Point

JL Raya Simpang Randu, RT.03/RW.07, Sido Binangun, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Indonesia. Cabang J&T Express Peta, Nomor telepon, Pelayanan J&T EXPRESS Simpang Randu, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung.

J&T Express Cek Resi & Lacak Paket

Cek resi dan lacak paket anda dengan mengetik nomor resi

ex. JP4298580413

J&T Express Terdekat - J&T Express Near Me

J&T EXPRESS Simpang Randu, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung
Tipe Shop & Service Point
Alamat JL Raya Simpang Randu, RT.03/RW.07, Sido Binangun, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Indonesia
Batas waktu
Nomor telepon 021-8066-1888
Peta Lihat peta Jalur transportasi Toko

Lihat peta - J&T EXPRESS Simpang Randu, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung

Jalur transportasi -> J&T EXPRESS Simpang Randu, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung

Ulasan pengiriman paket

Awi Jaya - 2022-09-16

The courier is unprofessional and the service is very bad, especially for those who operate to the SB 15 and SB 17 areas as white as many because they never deliver to the place even though it's clearly a COD package, the courier just waits somewhere in a very short time Several times in my experience, when the package arrived, the courier was told to go there, he said to wait, it was his turn to get there, the courier had left even though it didn't arrive in ten minutes and it had arrived at the place said by the courier. From now on I will never use J&T Courier services again, it's annoying

Gilang Chandra - 2022-08-09

twice, my goods have always crossed the delivery limit, if the service is not improved, I will always report it to the J&T center, please cooperate. And only the j&t Simpang Randu branch which still has a lot of problems in shipping, for other branches according to the information I get it's not like this

Dietrich Lagrange - 2022-07-21

I very often order packages using J&T delivery because the delivery is always fast, but this time it's really disappointing, the package has arrived at a random intersection but it's not delivered, wkwkwk even though it's been paid in full... When the cod package was quickly delivered, it's the turn of the package that has been paid for paid off, hold on hdehhh

Fenni Murti Sari - 2022-06-28

The package is always slow Arrived at the warehouse for a few days. How can the delivery be not delivered to our house, we pay for free shipping if we tell you to pick it up yourself

Dicky Yoga - 2022-07-02

The status has been delivered to the location, but it doesn't arrive late. If it can't be delivered according to the status, don't update it first. Zonk j&t express
