TIKI Agen Baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan - TIKI Shop & Service Point

Jalan Doktor Muhammad Hatta, Air Paoh, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. Cabang TIKI Peta, Nomor telepon, Pelayanan TIKI Agen Baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan.

TIKI Cek Resi & Lacak Paket

Cek resi dan lacak paket anda dengan mengetik nomor resi

ex. 660032321118

TIKI Terdekat - TIKI Near Me

TIKI Agen Baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan
Tipe Shop & Service Point
Alamat Jalan Doktor Muhammad Hatta, Air Paoh, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
Batas waktu
Nomor telepon 1500 125
Peta Lihat peta Jalur transportasi Toko

Lihat peta - TIKI Agen Baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan

Jalur transportasi -> TIKI Agen Baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan

Ulasan pengiriman paket

Cusanto Kumis - 2022-03-14

I was told to pick up the package myself, that's how the agent called, he said yes, he's far away and not at home

Hari Hari - 2021-08-20

The delivery was slow, the courier cooked, only one animal in my package also died, I don't want to be responsible anyway

Silvia Dwi Yuliani - 2019-02-18

The goods arrived but Katek intends to contact us, what about for the Sukajadi and surrounding areas, sometimes the courier is lazy to take us to our area, if the courier is Ms. Katek or not, it's just a little initiative to recruit employees so that the service is good.

Devika Christi - 2017-11-16

It took so long ... there was no confirmation of SMS or anything even though the phone number was clearly printed, it was almost 2 weeks from the estimated cm 3-5 days .. Please improve the service again ... thanks

Dya Erlina - 2022-08-21

Did not arrive at home
