Ulasan pengiriman paket

Ulasan dari pengirim paket JNE Express, J&T Express, Pos Indonesia, Shopee Express, TIKI, Sicepat, Anteraja, Ninja Xpress, Wahana Express, JET Express, SAP Express, First Logistics, Lion Parcel, RPX, Paxel, Janio Asia

Saran, komentar


Abc - 4/9/2024 12:22:32

Sangat lama,


Pake saya blm datang,celana - 4/9/2024 12:15:20

Blom sampe" paket saya, seharusnya datang tanggal 6 tapi mana udah kelewat


paket saya sampai mana - 4/9/2024 11:34:10

kapan diantar


Komplain - 4/9/2024 10:35:01

Ekspedisi babiiii, hampir 2 minggu paket gak sampaiā€


Ngak tahu - 4/9/2024 9:51:24

Telat tertahan sampai 6 hari di titik DC CIKUPA


Sutarno Mohi - 4/9/2024 9:07:04

Apakah barangnya sampai sebelum hari raya idul Fitri besok


Amanda - 4/9/2024 7:01:47

Sangat lama. Padahal bajunya mau dipake lebaran tp tdk sampai2


Paket nyasar - 4/9/2024 3:52:58

Cek alamat dengan teliti sebelum dan jangan sembarangan drop di alamat yg bukan semestinya


Sela Nuryanti - 4/9/2024 1:04:44

I dont know what happen with the courier, they have my phone number, but once i saw through the updated place where were my package is. Its written on the way to the address that i attach, but it shows again after few hrs that the office was closed. And i dont know the exactly if they brought my package or not coz i couldnt track my package. At least whatsapp me through my mobile phone if u dont know exactly where it is and its written there i believe. But if u didnt bring it and its just formality from the AntarAja tracking website, at least lemme know if u gonna deliver it after Eid. I was hopping that its came on time when i really need to use it. But again its just hopping, and i paid for it, i didnt ask you guys to pay.


Gatau - 4/8/2024 23:27:29

Pengiriman selalu lama kalo kurir nya j&t
